Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sesi sekolah masa ini

Sesi persekolahan masa ini memang agak panjang. Bayangkan anak kita perlu sampai ke sekolah sebelum pukul 7 pagi. Pukul 7.05 mereka sudah berada di dataran sekolah.Program disediakan seperti Masa itu emas, Citra bahasa, English Writing, Nilam dan sebagainya. Pukul 7.45 pagi atau lebih awal masuk ke kelas.
Murid balik pukul 1.30 atau 1.50 petang. Ada sekolah habis sesi persekolahan pukul 3.30 petang. Guru besar atau Pengetua sangat berbangga, lebih lewat sesi persekolahan lebih banggalah pentadbiran termasuk Jabatan Pelajaran. Perkara ini disokong PIBG, katanya.
Sampai rumah bergegas ke sekolah agama. Tak taulah nak makan apa budak itu kalau ibu bapa belum balik. Duit yang dibekalkan hanya beli makanan ringan. Balik sekolah agama pukul 6.50 petang. Sambil menanti malam, buatlah kerja sekolah. Pukul 8 malam pergi pula kelas tambahan yang dianjurkan sekolah. Bagi yang mampu pergi kelas tuisyen lain.
Tak taulah apa nak jadi persekolahan sekarang. Semuanya atas nama 'perubahan'. Perancang pendidikan berbangga. Tak pasti adakah perubahan itu yang kita mahu. Tidak ada satu kajian yang membuktikan kejayaan anak-anak melalui proses rutin kehidupan yang sedemikian. Betul ke? Itukah mentaliti pegawai pendidikan di Kementerian dan Jabatan?
Kebanyakan masyarakat kita memberi pendapat atau cadangan ikut persepsi. Mereka seronok jika persepsi itu dapat sokongan. Kita nampaknya membentuk anak-anak kita macam robot. Jiwa mereka sebenarnya kosong, berfokus pada keduniaan saja dan bergantung pada nilai peperiksaan semata-mata.
Teringat saya bagaimana ibu saya mendidik saya. Pada masa lapang beliau mengajak saya mendengar bacaan buku Perimbon Jawa(tentang Islam). Ibu saya tak tahu tulisan rumi, apatah lagi bahasa Inggeris. Walaupun kurang faham, diajak juga mendengarnya. Saya kena hafal beberapa doa atau ayat Quran.Bila ada tetamu datang terutama orang alim saya mesti salam dengannya. Sekali sekala diajak kerja kebun. Pendek kata saya banyak duduk di rumah. Tak perlu kokurikulum lain.Tak ada tuisyen, belajar guna buku teks dan belajar sendiri di rumah.Tak masuk program motivasi luar.Alhamdulillah, boleh dapat cemerlang dalam SPM. Aktiviti yang paling minat ialah penulisan. Banyak duduk di rumah, membaca termasuk al-Quran dan hadis.
Fikirkan...(akan disambung)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pendidikan 2050

Tulisan Education 2050 dipaparkan untuk meninjau pandangan pakar pendidikan Barat tentang pendidikan pada masa depan. Tulisan ini menjadi bahan perbincangan kita. Corak pendidikan kita agak tertinggal kebelakang kerana kita selalunya menganggap sesuatu yang baru pada hal sudah dicanai 20 tahun lalu di Barat.

Education 2050

by Dee Dickinson

When I imagine the best ways to educate children, I am always drawn to a vision of communities built around the concept of learning at the very heart. It is a costly vision, rich with ideals. But as caring for our youth � as well as the need for lifelong learning -- move higher on our social agendas, I know it can become a reality in the decades ahead. I know this because my vision is based on seeds being planted today at schools throughout the world, seeds that are already bearing some fruit. In this vision, education begins in the home, supported by early childhood/parenting centers. These programs might be inspired by the pioneering Family and Intelligence projects in Venezuela, the remarkable early childhood schools of Reggio Emilia in Italy, or Parents as Teachers and other fine parent-education and preschool programs in the United States. Future community learning centers with supportive child/family services might replace today's traditional schools, and "lighthouses of knowledge," inspired by those in Curitiba, Brazil, might evolve from existing public libraries. New, low-cost educational technologies are already becoming more available throughout the world.
What follows then is my vision of the places, teachers, and technologies that will educate our children � and ourselves � some 50 years from now. I'll start my tour with the newer educational structures � for adults and parents � and then will move on to the child�s classroom of the future.

Welcome first to a Lighthouse of Knowledge, a large, modern facility once known as the local library but that has transformed into a community focal point. It is made of transparent, shatterproof material. Like glasses that darken in the sunlight, the windows here cut glare when the sun is shining, but otherwise let light pour in. As you can imagine, when the lighthouses in all neighborhoods are lit up at night, the view is inspiring. Open twenty-four hours a day year round, Lighthouses are accessible to everyone and many of the resources are free -- a library of real books (some people still like the feel and smell), databases of electronic books, access to the Internet, satellite broadcast studios and receivers, multicast facilities, rooms for shared virtual realities and other resources related to finding information and turning it into knowledge throughout life. Each lighthouse-keeper is in charge of maintaining a comprehensive database of all the educational resources in the community, as well as booking uses of the facility. Businesses and individual entrepreneurs rent space for telework and electronic meetings or use the technologies for specialty training and distance learning. Those fees support the facility, and make space available for non-profits at low cost.

There are also special classrooms used by the Global University, the name that has emerged for adult learning programs, which have become a part of almost every worker�s life. Even though much of the learning is now electronic and connects students to experts throughout the world, there is still a need and desire for learners to collaborate with each other. They frequently meet in small learning teams, but also use Lighthouses for meeting virtually with students from other parts of the country or from anywhere in the world. Simultaneous translation is available for those who do not share a common language. The facilities include rooms with interactive video walls so distant students can see each other as they share information, collaborate on projects, and learn together.

In every neighborhood, early childhood/parenting centers have been created that are free and easily accessible. The first years of life are critically important to healthy physical, emotional, and mental development, as it is during these years that the foundation of successful learning is laid. Because of this understanding, these centers have become an essential part of the educational system and have resulted in more children coming into school with the skills they need to learn successfully.

Prospective parents are urged through all the media to take free parent prep classes in the centers, usually in the evenings. Neonatal and early childhood specialists offer information and practice on the importance of nutrition, love, sensitive sensory stimulation, exercise, and social interaction. In essence, parents and other caregivers learn how to create optimal conditions for their children's healthy, happy development. During the day, parents may visit the centers to observe children at various stages of development as well as to participate in programs with their own children. Day care is also provided, and for parents who have not been able to attend classes, there are daily programs on interactive digital television that also provide access to databases of relevant information and links to World Wide websites that offer on-demand guidance.

Parents and other caregivers bring babies and toddlers to the centers periodically, to learn the best ways to nurture and help them develop. Children with physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges are identified early and helped through well-integrated social and health services on site. There are early childhood programs that prepare children aged 3 to 5 to be successful academic learners, mostly through play and exploration. Many of the centers are located near retirement homes, and that's a great source of joy for both the children and the elderly. There is much loving care, active play both inside and outdoors, dancing, music, storytelling, and other human interaction in stimulating, multisensory environments. But because they might pose risks to rapidly developing neurological systems, no screen technologies are used with the very young. These will be introduced later.

Over the years, there has been increasing demand by parents for more choice in the kinds of schools available to their children. In our future scenario, this goal has been achieved. Most children from age 6 to 16 attend community learning centers that take many different forms. For example, some may be located in museums; others may be connected to farms or greenhouses that produce healthful fruits and vegetables for the centers. Some may be located in workplaces or near theaters or hospitals or connected to churches. Some look like malls in the center of the community, to connect more directly with its resources.

What is certain is that few look like the large, factory-model schools of today. Each community learning center has been designed in response to the needs, interests, and preferences of the community it serves. The centers are part of a public, decentralized educational system operated by neighborhood councils in collaboration with a coordinator for each. Standards for all the centers, however, are set nationally, and most students meet or exceed them. There are elementary programs for 6- to 12-year-olds as well as a broad variety of educational programs for teenagers, and children with special interests may be accommodated even though they live outside the district.

As in the early childhood/parenting centers, there are support services on-site to identify problems early and provide intervention. Unlike today's fragmented support services, health, social service, and welfare agencies have integrated their efforts through collaborative, continually updated databases and websites, assuring continuity and continuation of help as needed.

The centers are open 18 hours a day year-round and have extended-day programs for both students and adults. Parenting groups meet regularly to learn about and discuss the rapidly developing minds, emotions, and bodies of children age 6 through adolescence, and how best to help them develop to their fullest potential. The centers include job exploration and training programs, branches of social service agencies and health clinics, and recreational facilities that may include theaters, galleries, art studios, gyms, swimming pools, and ball courts. Income from adult or family use in the evening and on weekends and holidays helps to support the facilities.

At the turn of the millennium, some people thought that in the future there would be no need for schools as a result of new technologies that would be developed. If people of all ages could learn anything on any subject through interactive digital TV, videos, teleputers, the Internet, or virtual reality systems, why have schools with walls at all? Most parents, however, whether they are working outside the home or not, wish to have their children with other youngsters in caring, educational environments. Also, most human beings are by nature social and learn best with human interaction, although new technologies offer additional opportunities for individualized learning.

By mid-century, there are electronic personal tutors, or EPTs, that are so sensitive to the user that they can interpret facial expressions and sense mood, confidence, or anxiety level and offer appropriate help. Students will learn at their own pace, and as they do the work or answer questions, the EPTs offer new material close enough to the students' level so that they can succeed, but just a bit beyond so that they are constantly challenged. With these technologies in the learning rooms, learning specialists--who used to be called teachers--are able to work closely with small groups of students.

Consider a community learning center that is adjacent to a visual and performing arts facility. Here, students concentrate on acquiring knowledge and skills individually with a variety of electronic devices or in groups facilitated by learning specialists or older students. There is also a virtual library of experts available to both students and specialists. Math and science skills may be applied to home or community projects, business enterprises, or environmental conservation. Writing and speaking skills may be applied to projects such as news broadcasts to the community, communicating with learning partners locally or abroad, or writing books for younger children. Working with visual arts, music, dance, drama, and a great variety of materials and manipulatives helps make abstract ideas more easily understandable.

Students in these centers gain knowledge in the humanities (including the history of human beings with their arts and communication skills), sciences (including the history of the Earth and its current state), math (including various methods of problem-solving), and physical education (including a variety of sports and physical exercise as well as nutrition and health education). They learn these subjects individually as well as in groups through inquiry-based projects and broad themes that provide the context for understanding and learning. Discussions of social, environmental, and economic issues on both local and world levels often lead to personal or collective action. The supportive environment plus powerful technologies and interactive learning make it possible for students to master basic skills and knowledge and move on to using them in practical and creative ways.

There is much emphasis on developing interpersonal skills, as students learn to work collaboratively, and attention is paid to creating an environment that facilitates the development of ethical, moral, and responsible behavior. Because students with different abilities and disabilities learn together, they have rich opportunities to learn empathy and compassion and an understanding of others. Challenges are often given that require wise and responsible decision making in such activities as student government.

Imagine a group of elementary-aged youngsters in one of the center's interactive learning rooms. Each room can be adapted to a current theme, which in this case is the study of marine environments. Do you hear Debussy's "La Mer" playing softly in the background? On one wall is a digital video image of the ocean, including sound and smell as well as linked databases and websites accessible on the students' computers. In front of the video the children have hung their mobiles of various kinds of sea life, and overhead are their mobiles of seabirds. On the opposite wall are projections of famous sea paintings from different periods of history. Some of the children are painting a mural of undersea life, and others are working at their teleputers, researching and producing multimedia reports on various marine topics. Some are working with augmented reality programs, studying ocean currents with flow patterns superimposed over the images of waves. And there is a stage on which this evening there will be a community performance of "Dance of the Tectonic Plates," choreographed, costumed, and with sets by the students. As an introduction to the performance, four students will present a multimedia explanation of the tectonic system, along with images and current data from different parts of the world. By the window is a small group of students reviewing their work and planning their next project with a learning specialist.

For the last hour of class today, the video sea wall will link to Neptune IV for a virtual visit to the deep-sea floor observatory off the northwestern coast of the United States. This research project was created in the early 21st century to study newly discovered forms of life in volcanic vents, or "black smokers." As part of a search for the earliest life on Earth, the project has now gone far beyond that. The students and scientists will compare what they know about the microorganisms called archaea, or "ancient ones," with new data coming in about organisms in the sea on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. The youngsters are learning about how scientists merge research from the our oceans with that from outer space, a topic that will tie into the next theme 6 weeks hence. At that time, the students and learning specialists will work together to transform the interactive learning room into a planetarium with mobiles of the planets and projections of the solar system on the walls and overhead. Can you imagine Holst's music "The Planets" playing in the background?

Learning specialists are held in high esteem in the community and are paid accordingly. No longer the primary sources and purveyors of information, their role in educating has expanded and become even more creative and interesting. In addition to having degrees in specific subjects, their training includes studies in the neurosciences, human development, and the most advanced educational strategies from around the world. Because the learning centers operate year-round, there is time to take one day a week for the specialists to learn, plan, and share ideas and materials. During that day, the students go on field trips, do special projects, work on remedial or advanced studies, or do community service projects.

The specialists play an important role in inspiring, guiding, and facilitating learning, but as students learn to use the infinite resources available to them through new technologies, they become increasingly independent. They also learn the importance of interdependence--in meeting rooms or on the Internet, in real laboratories or in virtual labs, in art studios or in museums, in gyms or in gardens, in the wilderness or in exploratoriums, and in the community itself. Students clearly have enormous freedom and choice, but they also learn to take responsibility for their own progress.

The students may be at different levels in different subjects, and they are often with students of different ages, including adults, who are welcome. The students move through levels of expertise, from beginner to accomplished, and at any age, when they are ready, they can advance. There are also many exchange programs in other countries, and most centers have foreign students on similar programs subsidized by foundations and businesses. There are ongoing assessments that offer timely feedback to guide learners as well as the specialists' instructional practice. The assessments are part of the curriculum, are usually active demonstrations of achievement, and go far beyond assessing memorization and recall to reveal whether students have understood and can apply what they have learned. For example, a learning experience might culminate in a presentation for the community, a multimedia report, a dramatic performance, or teaching other students or even adults, as is often the case in introducing new technologies

There are still children with learning problems, but they can be helped by diagnosticians skilled at observation, who may use such new technologies as advanced, low-cost magnetic resonance imaging devices that make it possible to observe the brain while it is in the process of thinking. These tools assist the diagnostician in making recommendations for appropriate help with tutors, remedial techniques in the learning room, or innovative learning technologies. A great variety of intuitive, adaptive technologies are also available for the physically challenged, including the sight- or hearing-impaired. All community centers depend on trained community volunteers who assist in remediation and help the learning specialists in many ways. Students have mentors or advisors with whom they meet weekly.

Students of all ages maintain personal websites that include information on their learning styles; their strengths and areas that need improvement; academic progress and projects; portfolios of representative work; video interviews with learning facilitators, peers, and parents; and goals for the future. The websites also provide another means for assessing academic achievement, and they are updated throughout the years until students are ready to go into the adult world.

All secondary students do volunteer work while they are learning. In the process, they have opportunities to apply what they have learned as well as to develop other practical skills. As part of a teen transition program, students do a research project in the community or beyond to see what resources are available and what needs may be unmet. Then with fellow students--or even peers in other countries--who have common interests, they design a project that may become a new resource for the community or even a small business. These projects and the products or services they produce must be approved as contributing to the health and well-being of the community they serve. There have been programs like these for many years, but new technologies open fresh fields and make it easier to keep records of accomplishment.

This vision is not based on my own idle daydreams. For the past 20 years, through an international education network called New Horizons for Learning, we have been seeking out the most effective ways of helping people to learn at all ages and ability levels. We have gathered information from educators, researchers, parents, and policymakers in our own country and around the world. What we have discovered is that educators everywhere face similar problems--and are reaching similar conclusions about potential solutions.

For example:

Students who come from impoverished environments find it difficult to achieve academically without expanded, integrated support services. Schools alone cannot meet the needs of these students.
When children of normal intelligence enter school without the ability to learn successfully, it appears that parent and early childhood education have become critically important.
Students of different social, cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds have different ways of learning, so educators must expand their array of teaching methods to reach all students effectively.
In this time, when rapid change affects every kind of work and every social institution, education must become a lifelong process.
As new technologies continue to connect our increasingly interdependent world, it is critically important for students to develop technological know-how and to have steady access to the technologies.
Although many teachers are dealing successfully with these challenges, too many educators and policymakers are spending fruitless time and energy debating details of educational practice, such as whether phonics or whole language is the superior method and whether pure math skills are more or less important than problem-solving skills (might it not be "both/and" instead of "either/or"?). Meanwhile, students are dropping out or graduating without literacy, the skills to be self-sufficient, or the ability to work with others. Private charter schools may well cause the public system of education to become further segregated by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and student performance, as has happened over time in New Zealand and other countries that have similar ratios of minority populations as the United States.

Anxious to improve the system, policymakers and educational planners have created new academic standards and tests that are simplistic solutions to a complex problem. Educators are feeling intense pressure from policymakers, parents, businesspeople, and other stakeholders in this high-accountability environment. It is important, however, to recognize that educational systems are not the only solution to problems that spring largely from social, economic, and environmental changes. It is also essential that both teachers and students are equipped with the tools to achieve at higher levels.

Numerous crises have raised the level of urgency: violence in the schools, disconnected communities, growing economic disparity, a pervading sense of helplessness over our futures. Moreover, new technologies are emerging at a speed that is surpassing our ability to understand how best to use them wisely and responsibly. This newest challenge has resulted in intense, meaningful discussions of what it means to be human--how to develop altruism and compassion, and how to foresee the consequences of our actions.

All of these challenges bear directly on how best to educate and prepare young people to become responsible, contributing members of society. There is now a call not just for restructuring but for a real transformation of education.

We have all the knowledge and tools we need to create an effective system that can help meet the needs of today's and tomorrow's students. In some ways, the community learning centers that we imagine are not so different from some of the innovative educational systems emerging today. We have already seen many new interactive technologies along with a renaissance of the arts in education, hands-on projects, inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, internships, and community service projects that deeply engage students and result in academic achievement.

Throughout this country and the world, there are exemplary classrooms and schools that incorporate the most effective educational practices. But there must be a collective will to bring about the transformation of whole systems based on new understandings of the brain/mind/body system and how it learns; new technologies; more choices in educational facilities; and the integration of child/family services.

Educators are beginning to pay attention to the importance of the first three years of life, new research from the neurosciences, and studies in human development. An Institute for Mind, Brain, and Learning is being developed to train educators. Instruction is becoming more individualized as teachers learn how to meet the needs of a broader spectrum of individual differences through recognizing different ways of learning or different intelligences. These include not only verbal and logical-mathematical intelligence, but also visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, naturalist, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences, as identified in Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

More educators are beginning to understand as well that emotional intelligence is even more important to success in school and in life than IQ, and they are not only discussing but learning how to include the spiritual in education. In essence, they are beginning to focus on how to create a system that engages students emotionally, cognitively, physically, socially, and spiritually in a humane environment.

Finally, our world now has a telecommunications infrastructure that can support a quantum leap in learning and collective intelligence, and more of us have learned that we can work together as a global community of learners.

How we use these powerful new tools will determine the course of the future. Now more than ever, parents and communities must work together with educational systems to create the vision and means for present and future generations to live in a healthier, more peaceful, wiser world. "And at the end of all our exploring," wrote T. S. Eliot, "will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."


Education 2050 was written by Dee Dickinson for Imagine: What America Could be in the 21st Century (Rodale Books, 2000), a collection of original essays from leading authors, academics, and activists on their visions of a better America, and what can be done to turn these visions into reality. Imagine, which was edited by Marianne Williamson, will be in bookstores this November wherever books are sold. All author proceeds go to the Global Renaissance Alliance, a nonprofit network of citizen groups interested in spiritual-based activism.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Solat hari Jumaat

Esok ialah hari Jumaat 27 Feb 2009. Penghulu segala hari bagi umat Islam. Bagi negeri yang Jumaat hari bekerja, masalah yang sering berulang saban minggu ialah kita tergopoh-gapah hendak balik segera untuk pergi ke masjid menunaikan solat Jumaat. Sebagai contoh, banyak sekolah di negeri Johor balik pukul 12.15 tengah hari, malah ada yang 12.20 tengah hari. Bagi pelajar lelaki sempatkah balik rumah, bersihkan diri dan ke masjid?
Jika rumah dekat dengan sekolah atau masjid, tidak ada masalah. Bagi pelajar yang ada kenderaan sendiri,mungkin tak ada masalah. Jika balik dengan menaiki bas awam sempatkah pelajar itu? Kalau tak sembahyang siapa nak tanggung dosa?
Guru dan kakitangan pula bagaimana? Ramai yang memberi alasan masih sempat, boleh singgah mana-mana masjid.Tak perlu balik rumah dulu!
Pembuat dasar di Jabatan,Pejabat Pendidikan adalah orang Islam yang sepatutnya sangat prihatin. Mereka membuat dasar mengikut persepsi sendiri. Ketua Pengarah, Pengarah, Ketua Jabatan, sektor tak ada masalah sebab ada kemudahan kenderaan sendiri. Bagaimana dengan ibu bapa yang anak terpaksa naik bas awam, bas sekolah? Ini yang saya tak faham.
Bagi saya, sesi persekolahan boleh diubah suai, contoh pendekkan 35 minit setiap waktu. Balik pukul 12.00 tengah hari. Saya perlu balik awal, sampai di rumah bersiap dan datang awal ke masjid dengan tenang. Tidak tergopoh-gapah. Solat sunat dan banyak berzikir. Bukan mudah nak jejak hari Jumaat. Hari yang kita tunggu setiap minggu. Kita mahu kualti ibadah pada hari Jumaat tinggi. Penghulu segala hari. Diperhatikan banyak pegawai-pegawai masih berbaju pejabat datang ke masjid. Tak salah, tapi itu sudah dibawa ke tandas dan aktiviti lain semasa bekerja.Pakai songkok hitam yang tak pernah dibasuh sejak beli. Terserahlah pada penilaian sendiri.
Hubungan dengan Allah perlu ditingkatkan kualiti kalau kita mahu prestasi meningkat. Allah yang menentukan, bukan dasar yang kita banggakan.
Alangkah baiknya jika Jumaat hari cuti hujung minggu.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Di manakah kita berbelanja?

Setiap hujung bulan kakitangan awam mendapat gaji bulanan. Selepas 'cucuk dinding' bagi pengguna ATM mereka biasanya berasa lega kerana penantian sebulan sudah tercapai. Ke mana nak pergi dengan duit itu? Biasanya mereka akan mengunjungi pasar raya yang begitu banyak pada masa ini. Pilih saja. Jika diperhatikan hampir 95% yang berbelanja di pasar raya itu adalah orang Islam khususnya Melayu. Sebahagian besarnya kakitangan kerajaan.Begitu juga restoran makanan segera.
Kenapa pilih pasar raya? Jawapannya mudah; boleh cuci mata, bawa anak-anak sambil jalan-jalan, katanya harga murah, senang parking kereta dan aktiviti window shopping terutama kaum wanita. Itulah alasan klise yang digunakan.
Tanpa sedar pengguna Islam menjadi penyumbang penting kemajuan ekonomi golongan tertentu. Jika pasar raya itu milik pelabur asing, duit itu digunakan untuk membangunkan senjata mereka bagi memusnahkan saudara Islam seperti di Iraq, Palestin, Afghanistan malah tak mustahil aktiviti yang menentang Islam di Malaysia.
Kalau tak beli di pasar raya, nak beli di mana? Mana pasar raya yang orang Islam bina?
Memang sedih, sudah 52 tahun merdeka sepatutnya orang Islam tak kira kaum apa sudah mempunyai pasar raya sehebat Giant, Tesco, Econsave dan sebagainya.Kita sekadar memerhati, mengunjungi pasar raya, membeli, sambil jadikan tempat itu melepak bagi anak muda.Saya difahamkan sebuah pasar raya di Muar, Johor membayar sewa tanah RM50,000 sebulan kepada tuan punya tanah. Itu baru sewa tanah, belum kira keuntungan pasar raya dan tempat lain.
Kita sepatutnya menahan nafsu berbelanja di pasar raya. Kakitangan awam adalah golongan berpendidikan boleh berfikir, lebih baik berbelanja di kedai runcit biasa, pasar tani untuk menolong golongan itu mencari rezeki walaupun mungkin harga mahal sedikit. Kalau peniaga itu Islam, setidak-tidaknya memulakan kerja dengan baca bismillah..., solat, ada mandi wajib, banyak sedekah, derma dan sebagainya. Fikirkan keberkatan, bukan untung semata-mata yang tidak seberapa itu.
Saya belum pernah jumpa ada orang jadi kaya dengan membeli di pasar raya konon harga lebih murah.Yang pasti ratusan ringgit kita curahkan di kaunter pasar raya setiap bulan. Bayangkan duit itu nanti akan menyusahkan anda pada masa lain atau saudara kita. Adakah kita sanggup terima?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Perkataan atas dan di atas

Perkataan atas dan di atas sering digunakan secara sewenang-wenang oleh pengguna bahasa Melayu. Perkataan atas merujuk sesuatu yang tidak mempunyai arah atau ruang seperti perkara, peristiwa, bidang,dan sebagainya. Perkataan di atas merujuk sesuatu yang mempunyai arah atau ruang tertentu seperti lokasi dan tempat.
Contoh yang salah:
1. Di atas kesudian tuan merasmikan majlis ini kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
2. Kami memohon maaf di atas ketidakhadiran dalam majlis tersebut semalam.
3. Buku itu terletak atas meja.

Contoh yang betul:
1. Atas kesudian tuan merasmikan majlis ini kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
2. Kami memohon maaf atas ketidakhadiran dalam majlis tersebut semalam.
3. Buku itu terletak di atas meja.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Halalkah yang kita makan?

Masyarakat Islam khususnya orang Melayu masih ramai yang tak ambil peduli makanan yang masuk dalam perut halal ke atau tidak.Apabila melihat ada tanda halal terus beli atau makan tanpa usul periksa. Percaya sangat pada tanda halal. Alasannya sudah ada tanda halal.
Kalau tak halal, itu bukan salah pemakan, tapi salah kerajaan. Mereka berpendapat urusan halal haram kerajaan uruskan. Golongan ini termasuk kalangan ustaz dan ustazah yang ada kelulusan agama. Hairan bin pelik. Mudahnya buat keputusan halal.
Sesiapa juga boleh buat tanda halal, kalau sanggup. Setiap barangan yang kita nak beli perlu diteliti. Syarikat mana, kilang dimana? Bahan apa? Siapa pengeluar? Maklumat ini mudah dicari, sama ada melalui internet atau mereka yang arif tentang sesuatu produk.Jakim,Persatuan Pengguna Islam, dan Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang boleh membantu untuk dapatkan maklumat. Banyak saluran yang boleh kita gunakan.
Banyak juga syarikat Melayu Islam yang mengeluarkan produk tidak ada kilang sendiri tapi menggunakan kilang bukan Islam.Produk ini pasti meragukan.
Walau bagaimanapun, antara syarikat yang mengeluarkan produk halal dan kilang dimiliki sendiri ialah HPA(Herba Penawar al Wahida) dan agen pemasarannya Al Wahida Marketing. Saya sendiri sudah melawat kilang ini di Perlis, dan Sungai Petani Kedah.
Selain makanan, ubatan dan kosmetik juga dikeluarkan oleh HPA berasaskan herba atau sumber alam.
Makanan perlu halal supaya ibadah kita diterima Allah.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Al-Quran Mushaf Tajwid

Al-Quran mushaf tajwid memudahkan kita membacanya dengan panduan tajwid yang jelas. Harga RM170 termasuk belanja pos dalam Malaysia. Jika luar Malaysia, bayaran pos akan ditetapkan.Sms kepada 0192716299(Hj.Mohd.Yusof Ngadiman) atau E-mel nama dan alamat anda kepada:

Peribahasa yang dipertikaikan

Saya ditanya tentang peribahasa Melayu yang dipertikaikan sebagaimana yang berikut: 1. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi 2. Melepaskan batu...